I’m actually being serious. For example today the political ticker tweeted “Gingrich advice to GOP: Hammer foodstamps.” Instantly I was furious. I thought, that goddam Newt Gingrch always making life harder for those who already have it tough. Somebody oughta…etc. That was all before I even clicked on the article link, which I won’t get into.
My point is that twitter serves as an excellent outlet for me to sit down and stop being so academic all the time. Look, in a journalism class we all boast about how we like a good in depth story that really delves into an issue. If that’s true, that’s great, but honestly I can’t think of a single time I’ve picked up the Times and read more than two articles (unless I’m really trying). I spend so much time analyzing the hell out of everything in class all day that it can be really refreshing for me to sit down in front of twitter and experience knee jerk reactions to incomplete stories. If you don’t know what I’m talking about try it sometime. I think you’ll agree.
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